James Shapiro




The best way to achieve results is to consult an expert in the field. Find someone with coaching experience and knowledge. Your fitness goals are no different. It’s time to step up your fitness level. Let my coaching bring you there.


Want to improve your strength and conditioning?

No Worries. I’ve brought up fitness levels of both athletes and us “normal folks”.


Do you want to relieve your lower back pain?

I’ve addressed this issue with most clients, who are now stronger and workout pain-free.


Have you been working out for a while and aren’t seeing results?

I’ve shown results with my clients by introducing coaching minor changes they never knew.


Want to build your glutes and hip thrust?

Check out my instagram because I’m an authority on that subject.


Do you want to break the diet-fads?

My nutrition and macro-coaching will help you forget the word diet and focus on nutrition.


Personal Coaching

My coaching will be building on your foundations of movement and addressing any areas related to your goals. My expertise will begin to rub of on you in no time as we begin to make strides in the areas you need the most. There is a potential of you growing to one point evolving into only online programming. You might need personalized training if . . .

  • You’re new to training. It can be an intimidating environment that we need to build movement competency and confidence. You receive 24/7 support from me whenever you have questions or concerns.
  • You want to train like an athlete. Your fitness needs to step its game up. Training for a specific sport requires understanding how to train specific biomotor and physiological traits.
  • You are dealing with injuries. Every client starts their journey with an initial assessment and consultation. I create the program that addressed your compensations and weaknesses.

Everyone Needs A Plan.

Any idiot can make another idiot tired. That is why there are burpees and mountain climbers to keep you exhausted until you throw up and blow out your back. What’s the point of being constantly sore if it does not get you to your destination? Having proper coaching is the first step. The next step is creating an annual plan to keep you accountable and excited. My training programs are structured to have you progress and build towards your goals. Take the words of encouragement from my current and past clients to heart.


Training Should Be Safe and Repeatable.

In the world of social media, safe isn’t sexy. Don’t be fooled by balancing on bosu balls and non-stop jump squats. Results come from a few key words: consistency, mastery, recovery, and safety. I take pride in my coaching, programming, and teaching skills as I have never had a client injure themselves during a session. The last thing you want is to have an injury and not be able to exercise for an extended period of time.


You Should Enjoy Training Sessions.

Feeling good with results means working hard during training. My coaching strategy is simple: motivate you to feel confident and push you only when you need to. The days of being a drill sergeant are over, but don’t be fooled. My coaching methods, programming, and exercise selection change so you don’t get bored and can continue making progress.


You Can’t Escape Hard Work.

Sorry to break your heart. If everything in life was easy, everyone could do anything. I can’t do the work for you, but I can show you how it is done. Great coaching means doing everything I can to make you a well-oiled machine. Take a look both my own training and some highlights from some of my clients.

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